INTERVIEW FILM - with Martina Hoffmann & Robert Venosa
An Interview Movie
conducted by
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"(Trans)Personal Conversations"
Is an intimate interview conducted by Stanislav Grof in 2009 with
Robert Venosa and Martina Hoffman at their home studio in Boulder, Colorado.
We are delighted to present this highly in-depth and visual video which was condensed from the original 5-hours recording into a 1h:45m feature.
This precious film represents a true time capsule, as it is the last joint recorded interview of Robert and Martina Hoffmann before his passing in 2011.
DAY ONE: Martina Hoffmann extensively speaks about the origins and history of visionary art, Psycho-spiritual techniques for expanding consciousness and the Sacred Feminine.
DAY TWO: Robert Venosa shares his early inspirations and visions and speaks about his journey with universal consciousness.
DAY THREE: Together, Stanislav Grof, Martina Hoffmann and Robert Venosa revive memories of their encounters with Dr. Albert Hofmann and the effects that his revolutionary invention has had on their individual lives.
The artist couple will then disclose the intimate, artistic, and co-creative inspirations within their partnership, revealing their spiritual and joint quest for THE LIGHT.
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Is a psychiatrist with over sixty years of experience in research of non-ordinary states of consciousness and one of the founders and chief theoreticians of transpersonal psychology. He was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, where he also received his scientific training: an M.D. degree from the Charles University School of Medicine and a Ph.D. degree (Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine) from the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences. He was also granted honorary Ph.D. degrees from the University of Vermont in Burlington, VT, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, CA, and the World Buddhist University in Bangkok, Thailand.
1936 – 2011
Was one of the illuminating forces of Fantastic and Visionary Art. His work has been exhibited worldwide and is represented in major collections, including those of noted museums, rock stars, and European aristocracy.
He worked primarily as a painter but also created sculpture and film design (pre-sketches and conceptual design for the movies ‘DUNE’, ‘Fire in the Skye and ‘Race for Atlantis’). His art has been the subject of three books as well as CD covers, including those of SANTANA and KITARO.
During his 30-year partnership with the artist, Martina Hoffman, they gave presentations about visionary art and culture and taught painting classes at institutes such as Esalen and Omega in the USA and worldwide. Robert Venosa lived and worked in Cadaques, Spain and Boulder, CO, USA.
Studied Sculpting at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. As a painter, she transcribes her reflections on the nature of humanity’s connection to the ‘All’ in a realistic style which marries the fantastic to the sacred with her inspirations deriving from 'expanded states of consciousness' as well as the 'Sacred Feminine'.
She has exhibited her work internationally with a 6-month retrospective at the HR Giger Museum in Switzerland in 2018 and is also represented in the collection of NAIA Museum in Rochefort-En-Terre, France.
Her art has been published internationally, including in her artbook, “Inner Landscapes’ as well as ‘Modern Consciousness Research and The Understanding of Art’ by Stanislav Grof.
A global citizen since her childhood in West Africa, the artist keeps a home and studio in both, the USA and France.
Editing: Martina Hoffmann & Christopher Perkins Cook
Special thanks to:â €
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Stan Grof for initiating the interview
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Evan Bluetech for the musicâ €
Christopher Perkins-Cook for the additional cinematographyâ €
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And gratitude to our film team: Claudia Meglin, Mark Read and Mitch Schulz.â €

You may also watch the free streaming of a Q&A with Stanislav and Brigitte Grof and filmmakers, Susan Hess Logeais and Mitch Schultz.
It is being shared on Stan Grof's event page for his film 'The Way of the Psychonaut'.:
I've had the honor to be invited as a special guest to discuss my artwork,
creative process and personal / cultural transformation with them on September 30, 2020.
Please also watch "The Way of the Psychonaut" - a documentary about Stanislav Grof,
released on October 15th, 2020.